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Government Of Assam Industries & Commerce Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd

Existing Industrial Infrastructure
Industrial Parks

Plastic Park

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Name of the Project

Plastic Park under Deptt. of Chemicals & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India




Gelapukhuri, Tinsukia


Air: 45 Kms from Dibrugarh Airport. 

 5 Kms from Tinsukia Railway Station 

 Distance from Tinsukia Town - 4.00 KM. Excellent road link with entire North Eastern states and rest of the country.

Total Project Cost

Rs.9365.00 Lakhs ;

Means of Finance: 
Department of Chemical & Petrochemicals, Govt. of India: Rs.4000.00 Lakhs and 
Industries & Commerce Department, Govt. of Assam: Rs.5365.00 Lakhs

Project Status

The project has been approved by Department of Chemical & Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India on 21-02-2014. Project Management consultant has been appointed. 104 numbers of plots of different sizes and 47 numbers of industrial sheds will be accommodated. The project implementation has already been started. Boundary wall has been completed. Construction of internal road is in progress. The environmental clearance has been obtained from Govt. of Assam. APDCL is on the verge of sanction of 20 MVA power with 33 KV dedicated power line to project site.

Processed Allocable Area

480000 Sq Mtr (Approx)

Allotted Area

3500 Sq Mtr (Approx)

Area available for allotment

476500 Sq Mtr (Approx)

No of Units allotted


No of functioning Units

Under implementation

Infrastructure Facilities available/to be available

Available Plot Area: 
1. Large Units: 3 Nos. (20,230.00 SqM each) ;
2. Medium Units: 13 Nos. ( 12,138.00 SqM each) ; 
3. Small Units Type- I: 32 Nos. (4, 046.00 SqM erach) ;
4. Small Units Type-II: 56 Nos. (2,023.00 SqM each) ;

Available Industrial Sheds: Total - 47 Nos. (444.00 SqM each)

Other facilities: 
Warehouse, Central facility centre, Guard room, Security Building, Service apartment, Truck parking, OHT and Water treatment plant, rain water harvesting and fire fighting tank, sewage treatment plant, ETP, Internal road with foot path, drainage, 20 MVA power station etc.

Manufacturing Units


Concerned Officer

Project In-charge - Sri P. Bora, DGM (T), 
Contact No: 9435049104
Project Manager in-charge - Sri P. Sarma, DM (T), 
Contact No: 9954053100
Site Engineer - Sri K. Deka, DM (T), 
Contactl No: 9435199150

For Further Information Kindly contact:

Assam Industial Development Corporation Ltd.
( A Government of Assam Undertaking)
R.G Baruah Road, Guwahati-781024, Assam, India
Phones: +91 361 2201215 / 2202216
FAX: +91 361 2200060
Email: aidcltd@gmail.com