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Government Of Assam Industries & Commerce Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd

Udyog Sahayak

The Udyog Sahayak Department of AIDC has been designated for processing the following activities –

1 Implementation of State Industrial Policy, Government of Assam – 1997, 2003, 2008 and 2014 for Medium & Large scale industries and Processing of application for grant of Mega Project status to Industrial Units in the State.
2 Processing of Power Subsidy under Industrial Policy of Assam - 2003 & 2008.
3 Preparation of Appraisal Reports of the Self financing Industrial Units.
4 Processing of land allotment to various units under industrial areas of AIDC.

1. The Industrial & Investment Policy of Assam, 2014 provides two types of Support to the Entrepreneurs -

A Financial support during initial operation period to overcome initial teething trouble faces by the industrial units and
B Render services during conceptual stages, project formulation and planning stage.

Financial Support:

The various incentives & subsidies under the respective schemes of Industrial & Investment Policy of Assam 2014 are:

(i) • VAT Exemption under the provision of the Assam Value Added Tax Act, 2005
• Entry Tax
• Luxury Tax


(ii) Subsidy on Quality Certification/ Technical Knowhow
(iii) State Capital Subsidy
(iv) Additional Incentives for Mega Projects

The applications of the Eligible Industrial units under Industrial & Investment Policy of Assam, 2014 are processed by the Udyog Sahayak Department of AIDC and placed before the meeting of State Level Committee for grant of Eligibility Certificate under the Policy.

The State Level Committee (SLC) as per Industrial & Investment Policy of Assam, 2014 to consider grant of Eligibility Certificate and other Incentives for Medium & Large units are -

1 Commissioner of Industries & Commerce, Assam Chairman


2 Principal Secretary to the Government of Assam, Revenue Department or his Nominee Member
3 Principal Secretary to the Government of Assam, Finance Department or his Nominee Member
4 Commissioner of Taxes, Government of Assam Member
5 Managing Director, APDCL or his nominee Member
6 Director of Employment & Craftsmen Training, Assam Member
7 Member Secretary, Pollution Control Board Member
8 Managing Director, ASIDC Ltd. Member
9 Managing Director, AIIDC Member
10 Managing Director/ General Manager, AIDC Ltd. Member Secretary

Render services during conceptual/project formulation and planning stages:

i) Guidance to Entrepreneurs
ii) Apprising central/State Govt. industrial policy, Rules & Regulation
iii) Arrangement of seminars & Entrepreneurs awareness camp from time to time


Eligibility Certificate issued under Industrial Policies 1997, 2003, 2008, 2014:

Categories IP - 1997 IP - 2003 IP - 2008 IP - 2014
New / Expansion / Diversification / Modernization 49 nos 87 nos 68 nos 101 nos

(Updated up to 18.03.2021)

2. Power Subsidy processed in the FY 2020-21 under Industrial Policy of Assam – 2008:

Total no. of units 19 nos
Power subsidy recommended (In Rs.) Rs. 4,12,59,943.25

3. Self financing appraisal report issued by the department -

Categories Units
New / Expansion / Diversification / Modernization 90 nos.

4. Land allotment at various Industrial areas under AIDC :

Land allotment of various industrial units at Industrial areas of AIDC is processed through EODB Portal of Government of Assam. The applicant has to apply through EODB portal by submitting the details land required and depositing application fees and other necessary documents as prescribed in the portal.

For more details kindly visit www.eodb.assam.gov.in and industries.assam.gov.in/node/94787